Herbert Forest reunion to mark end of an era

The good old days of working at Herbert Forest when it was managed by the New Zealand Forest Service will be recalled at a reunion there next month.

It is being organised by one of the former forest managers, Ian Davies, who worked there from 1965 to 1987.

The reunion for staff and contractors between 1948 and 1987 marks the 25th anniversary since the Government put forest management into the hands of state-owned Timberlands. Herbert Forest was then sold to Ngai Tahu under its Waitangi Treaty agreement with the Government and then to the present owners, Blakely Pacific Ltd.

Mr Davies said the idea of a reunion had been discussed at various times with other former staff who worked at Herbert Forest, and the 25th anniversary of the demise of the Forest Service on March 31, 1987, seemed the ideal time.

The reunion will be held on February 25, starting at 11am.

Already, there had been a lot of interest. He called for people to notify him of their intention to attend so he could organise the catering.

One activity being organised is bus tours of the existing forest.

When Mr Davies worked there, there were up to 15 permanent staff, boosted during the winter employment scheme by up to 30 more, many off-season freezing workers. In addition, there were also contractors' staff.

Herbert Forest was established from 1948 and was Government controlled until 1987.

- david.bruce@odt.co.nz


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