Despite a recommendation from council roading manager Michael Voss for a year-round Friday to Sunday daytime closure of the road to cars, the council’s assets committee voted unanimously for a resolution to go to council that would limit traffic on the Oamaru street from Labour Weekend to Easter. Cr Melanie Tavendale urged decisiveness on the issue that had been "kicked around" for a long time.
During debate on the matter, Cr Craig Dawson said the council needed to be "a wee bit bolder", and said if the street were closed to cars seven days a week, as many businesses indicated as a preference in a recent council survey, the WDC could "really make something of" the proposed street beautification.
He said he would "go for the boldest option put forward".
The council proposed pedestrian-only access to the historic street last year, but there were concerns from businesses.
When the council surveyed them about a closure this winter after a three-month trial early in the year, just five businesses were not in favour of a closure. About 40 businesses were surveyed. Waitaki Mayor Gary Kircher said a Labour Weekend to Easter closure could be the "next reasonable-sized step" after small steps to date. Even with broad support for general closure by the general public, businesses should be considered first, he said.
The council could be "open to an extension" of the closure if it went well in the "first place".
Cr Guy Percival was absent.
Mr Voss has said one survey respondent threatened legal action against the council if it closed the road.