The Waitaki District Council is investigating ways to find funding so the Boer War monument in central Oamaru can be shifted to make way for major road works Transit NZ plans through Oamaru.
Transit proposed shifting the monument, at the Thames-Coquet-Severn Sts intersection, a short distance further south as part of a safety project on State Highway 1 through central Oamaru.
But tenders for the removal were far greater than Transit had budgeted, so it started to explore other options.
Last week it met the council, including deputy mayor Gary Kircher, to discuss funding and other alternatives to shifting the monument.
Cr Kircher said yesterday the council had approved shifting the monument because of the support that received when Transit carried out consultation.
‘‘We mainly discussed funding options to make up the shortfall, but told Transit it could not come out of rates or our existing roading budget,'' he said.