First stage of Naseby Cemetery restoration nearly complete

Naseby Vision cemetery sub-committee co-ordinator Kath Thomas looks over headstones from days...
Naseby Vision cemetery sub-committee co-ordinator Kath Thomas looks over headstones from days gone by. Stage one of the cemetery’s long-term restoration is nearly complete.
One of a group of Chinese headstones marking gravesites at the Naseby Cemetery. Many more...
One of a group of Chinese headstones marking gravesites at the Naseby Cemetery. Many more unmarked Chinese gravesites could exist at the cemetery, where it is hoped ground-penetrating radar can be used for the next stage of restoration work.
One of the gravesites that has been recently restored at the Naseby Cemetery, with the addition...
One of the gravesites that has been recently restored at the Naseby Cemetery, with the addition of a new base to the original headstone.

Stage one of restoration work at the Naseby Cemetery is nearly complete, with high-tech groundpenetrating radar still to be used to identify unmarked graves including those of Chinese miners.

Nine gravesites had already been restored and more would be done as more funds became available, Naseby Vision cemetery subcommittee co-ordinator Kath Thomas said.

The first stage of the cemetery's restoration, costing about $10,000, had been funded by the Historic Cemeteries Conservation Trust of New Zealand and the Maniototo Community Board.

Tree stumps in the cemetery had been cleared, under the supervision of an archaeologist, and quotes were being obtained to erect fencing and gates around the cemetery, Mrs Thomas said.

Funding for groundpenetrating radar had been approved by the Central Otago District Council and would be confirmed after submissions on the council's draft 10-year Long Term Council Community Plan had been processed, she said.

This would allow any unmarked graves in the cemetery to be identified, including those in an area where there were several Chinese headstones.

Cemetery records showed that 56 Chinese miners had been buried at Naseby, Mrs Thomas said. She was unsure how any new gravesites identified would be marked.

The cemetery project had huge significance for the history of Naseby, Otago and New Zealand because of the area's historic significance through its early goldmining links, Mrs Thomas said.

It was easy for cemeteries to become neglected and she hoped the work would be especially meaningful for those with family buried in the cemetery, she said. They would be able to ‘‘come and find a pleasing place where their relatives are lying''.

- By Pam Jones

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