English sheep dog trials a first

English sheep dog trials held at Shag Valley Station last weekend by the Waihemo Collie Club attracted 97 entries from Marlborough to Southland. They were the first sheep dog trials held in the lower South Island under English sheep dog trial rules, organiser Lloyd Smith, of Palmerston, said.

Each triallist and their dog had 14 minutes to complete the course.

Part of the trial involved the dog moving the sheep away from the triallist.

The placegetters in the final were: Lindsay Geddes and Jean (Middlemarch), 1; Lloyd Smith and Todd (Palmerston), 2; Angus Ferguson and Penny (Oamaru), 3; Kerry Chittock and Speck (Dunback), 4; Paul Newton and Zinia (Marlborough), 5; Don Calder and Tui (Timaru), 6; Paul Collins and Bill (Omarama), 7; Eion Herbert and Clyde (Marlborough), 8.

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