East Otago High School prizes

Kari Croucher
Kari Croucher


Kari Croucher

Year 9

Lilly Kitto (merit materials tech bone jewellery and display unit); Rufus Gifford (merit mathematics maths in engineering and technology unit); Avalea Fallows (diligence science, meet the elements unit, merit social science without a place unit); Mackenzie Snow (diligence mathematics maths computers and logic unit, mathematics math to the future unit, social science hazards and population unit, merit social science we are unit); Riley Gillam (diligence science kitchen science unit, merit science car science unit, social science hazards and population unit); Ella Thom (diligence material tech bone jewellery and display unit, social science product unit, merit Maori performing arts unit, mathematics maths in action unit); Molly Scott (diligence English who am I unit, 1st= PE PE wild unit); Conrad McGhie (merit art mural project unit, 1st mathematics maths computers and logic unit); Tyler Eder (merit science kitchen science unit, social science without a place unit, 1st science meet the elements unit); Ella McGregor (diligence Maori performing arts unit, merit agriculture how did we get there unit, te reo Maori unit, 1st PE FUNdamental unit); Emily Ferguson (diligence English whodunnit murders, mysteries and thrillers unit, social science we are unit, merit English who am I unit, home economics fine dining unit, music beat and pieces unit, 1st social science without a place unit); Tremorgan Ottley (diligence music idol unit, merit English whodunnit murders, mysteries and thrillers unit, mathematics math to the future unit, social science product unit, 1st English who am I unit, science our world unit); Lakaia Harris (merit PE FUNdamental unit, 1st agriculture how did we get there unit, Maori performing arts unit, te reo Maori communication unit, PE smash and bash unit, overall merit); Ethan Te Raki (merit art mural project unit, 1st mathematics maths in action unit, English lay down your arms unit, mathematics maths in engineering and technology unit, music beat and pieces unit, 1st= PE PE wild unit, PE just do it unit, overall excellence); Juliet Clare (merit home economics fine dining unit, materials tech light and bright unit, 1st art mixed media unit, art mural project unit, home economics flatastic unit, PE just do it unit, English whodunnit murders, mysteries and thrillers unit, music idol unit, social science product unit, overall excellence).

Year 10

Nathan Kennedy (diligence art mural project unit); Isabella Hurrell (diligence mathematics maths in engineering and technology unit); Jada Hewitt (merit home economics fine dining unit); Kayne Washington (1st= PE just do it unit); Lilly Kemp (diligence art mural project unit, 1st= PE just do it unit); Max Nimmo (diligence merit materials tech light and bright unit, social science hazards and population unit, 1st social science we are unit); Ava Eddy (merit art mural project unit, mathematics maths in action unit, art mixed media unit, 1st music beats and pieces unit); Jacob Butt (diligence PE PE wild unit, merit science car science unit, science kitchen science unit, 1st mathematics maths in engineering and technology unit); Ashley Howard (diligence English whodunnit murders, mysteries and thrillers unit, merit agriculture how did we get there unit, science meet the elements unit, science our world unit, social science hazards and population unit, social science product unit, 1st science car science unit); Kacey Clark (diligence English whodunnit murders, mysteries and thrillers unit, merit English who am I unit, te reo Maori communication unit, 1st mathematics math to the future unit, science our world unit, citizenship); Samuel Paton (diligence social science product unit, merit English lay down your arms unit, English whodunnit murders, mysteries and thrillers unit, social science without a place unit, 1st English crime and punishment unit, social science hazards and population unit, citizenship); Paige Walker (diligence English crime and punishment unit, English lay down your arms unit, materials tech light and bright unit, merit social science we are unit, 1st PE PE wild unit, English whodunnit murders, mysteries and thrillers unit, PE smash and bash unit, te reo Maori communication unit, overall merit); Greta McCaw (diligence materials tech bone jewellery and display unit, mathematics maths computers and logic unit, social science product unit, merit mathematics maths to the future unit, social science we are unit, social studies without a place unit, 1st art mixed media unit, English who am I unit, home economics flatastic unit, music idol unit, overall merit); Addisyn Lawrence (merit English crime and punishment unit, English lay down your arms unit, music idol unit, 1st agriculture how did we get there unit, materials tech bone jewellery and display unit, mathematics maths in action unit, mathematics maths computers and logic unit, science kitchen science unit, science meet the elements unit, social science product unit, social science without a place unit, overall excellence).

Year 11

Camryn Sharp (diligence humanities); Brianne Harris (diligence alternative mathematics); Lorelai Ottley (diligence English, merit alternative mathematics); Cassidy Bridger (diligence PE, science, merit mathematics); William Clare (merit agriculture science, music, PE); Deegan Croucher (1st BCATS); Ashton Scott (merit humanities, 1st science); Piper McCaw (diligence visual art, merit business studies, English, mathematics, 1st home economics, citizenship); Maia Perry (diligence humanities, 1st music, PE, citizenship); Ella Farrant (merit science, visual art, 1st business studies, English, humanities, mathematics, overall excellence).

Year 12

Nicola Allan-Chalmers (merit music); Bella Flavell (merit English, humanities); Trisha Datt (1st mathematics); Katie Nimmo (1st music); Gabriella Cowie (diligence biology, English, merit mathematics, 1st humanities); Ashley Robinson (diligence BCATS, merit agricultural science, biology, 1st visual art, citizenship); Hannah Du Preez (merit visual art, 1st agricultural science, outdoor education, overall merit); Abigail Paton (1st biology, chemistry, English, PE, physics, citizenship, overall excellence).

Year 13

Lily Roach (merit history); Noelle Vahine (merit music); Rylie Keach (diligence English, merit biology, chemistry); Hamish Fox (diligence English, merit physics, 1st music); Rafe Johnson (1st outdoor education); Rachel Sheat (diligence history, 1st gateway); Kari Croucher (1st biology, chemistry, history, calculus, PE); Joshua Walker (1st English, citizenship).

Sports awards

Kayden Miller, Livana Skevington, Matt Ledua, Rafe Johnson (cross-country); Jay Te Raki, Sophie Hutcheson, Ethan Te Raki, Lilly Kemp, Joshua Walker, Deegan Croucher (swimming); Kayden Miller, Livana Skevington, Conrad McGhie, Lilly Kemp, Rafe Johnson, Abigail Paton (athletics); Abigail Paton (rugby); Samuel Paton (netball); Paige Walker (basketball); Deegan Croucher (Maori sportsperson, all-round sportsperson); Koru Games mixed touch team (sports team of the year); Joshua Walker (male sportsperson of the year); Abigail Paton (spirit award, contribution trophy, most dedicated, female sportsperson of the year, overall sportsperson, sports blues touch and rugby).

Music and arts awards

Maia Perry (effort in guitar); Lucas Cameron (string player); Katie Nimmo (best vocal performance); Hamish Fox (contribution to music, performance in the arts).

Special subject awards

Indie Kee, Paige Walker, Abigail Paton (speech); Abigail Paton (public speaking, senior English); Deegan Croucher (effort geography, excellence BCATS); Rachel Sheat (gateway); Ashley Robinson (excellence BCATs).

Special awards

Emily Rowland (outdoor education); Hamish Fox (excellence in music); Abigail Paton (contribution to school and community in an education sense, all-round effort in sport, demonstrating and fostering school spirit).

Principal’s awards for school leadership: Paige Walker (best all-round academic, sporting and cultural year 9/10); Kacey Clark (effort in junior school); Ashleigh Robinson (effort in senior school); Maddison Cooper (all-round ability); Rylie Keach (Maori culture); Kari Croucher (excellence te reo Maori students).

Special Trophies: Rylie Keach, Joshua Walker, leadership; Juliet Clare, academic achievement year 9; Addisyn Lawrence, academic achievement year 10; Ella Farrant, academic achievement year 11; Abigail Paton, academic achievement year 12, Muir house sports’ shield.

Scholarships: Maia Perry (Mana Pounamu teina award); Rylie Keach (Mana Pounamu tuakana award); Fipe Maire, Sophie Hutcheson (John Macdonald scholarships); Noelle Vahine (prime minister’s vocational award); Joshua Walker, Kari Croucher (John Campbell Thomas Scholarships); Rylie Keach (proxime accessit); Kari Croucher (dux).