Forty dance enthusiasts from throughout the South Island attended the inaugural South Island Dance Network hui.
The hui included dance workshops - ranging from Salsa for Dummies to Pacific Island dance and Indian classical hand gestures - and discussion to determine the future direction of dance in the South Island.
The South Island Dance Network was formed about six months ago, a partnership between Dance Aotearoa New Zealand (the national group), Dance and Physical Theatre Trust and Regional Strength Maurangi Toi (part of Creative New Zealand), with the Dunedin and Christchurch City Councils providing support and administration.
The aim was to strengthen and grow all forms of dance throughout the South Island, bringing together educational, sports, health, community and professional groups.
Network director Adam Hayward said the hui was about making a list of "where to go next" and how to start exploring things that needed to be done to strengthen the sector.
There were 150 dance groups in Dunedin and more than 450 in Christchurch.
"It's about having fun and being healthy," Mr Hayward said.