Calling all cycling enthusiasts: The Oamaru Ordinary Cycle Club is holding an open day tomorrow and on August 31, between midday and 3pm, for anyone who is interested in joining the club.
A variety of cycles would be available for people to try, ranging from penny farthings and classic safety cycles to recumbent bikes and tricycles, spokeswoman Wendy Simpson said.
Graeme Simpson will be giving a solid tyre fitting demonstration throughout the day.
Solid tyres are fitted to penny-farthings.
Mrs Simpson said the open day aimed to increase interest in cycling, particularly with the increase in fuel prices.
The club has clubrooms on the corner of Wansbeck and Harbour Sts and anyone interested in cycling was welcomed.
Events are held and there are plans to provide cycles for members to use.
Members were also interested in helping people restore cycles.
Mrs Simpson has a 1920s safety cycle and a 1950s cycle with an electric wheel.
"I can cycle up Severn St just like I'm cycling on the flat," she said.
Cycling also tied in with the theme of this year's Victorian heritage celebrations in November - the Victorian wheel.