A new strategy that could affect the way water is managed in the Canterbury region - including the Waitaki catchment - won support yesterday from the Waitaki District Council, even though some councillors were worried about Environment Canterbury's future.
That new strategy could mean two zone committees are established early next year in the Waitaki catchment to manage water in association with users and interested groups.
The zone committees would be joint committees of Environment Canterbury (ECan) and the Waitaki, Waimate and Mackenzie district councils.
ECan and the district councils would call for nominations for members of the zone committee, which would be appointed and not elected.
The strategy has been prepared by the Canterbury Mayoral Forum, involving all 10 district and city councils in Canterbury, in conjunction with ECan.
It has the Government's support.
However, last Friday it was superseded by a damning Government report of ECan which recommended setting up a Canterbury Water Management Authority.
That report, prepared at the request of Environment Minister Nick Smith and Local Government Minister Rodney Hide, praised the Canterbury Water Management Strategy, but questioned whether it could be implemented, given the growing competition for water.
Ultimately, after healthy debate, the council endorsed the strategy and establishment of zone committees, as and when agreed between all the Canterbury councils.