Consultation on stadium plans

Moves to provide Waimate with a modern sports stadium are finally pressing ahead, and a revamped facility could be up and running by the middle of next year - if the plan finds favour with ratepayers.

In December, the Waimate District Council unanimously recorded its support for a revised concept plan to remodel the township's existing sports stadium. Mayor Craig Rowley yesterday said it was now ''more than time'' that the project was moved forward.

Mr Rowley said residents would be consulted on the plans as part of the forthcoming 2014-15 annual plan process, which was due to start in February.

''Provision of a stadium which meets the current and future needs of the community has been debated for more than a decade,'' Mr Rowley said.

''I believe this is the final opportunity we have to move this project forward and this is why I encourage ratepayers of the district to become involved in the submission process. We will be creating opportunities for ratepayers to come along and gain good factual information on this proposal in the near future.''

If consultation showed the public supported the project, and subject to contractors' availability, work to revamp the stadium could start by October 2014, and be completed by about June 2015, he said.

Council property manager Sue Kelly said cost estimates and concept plans had been obtained and would be released in conjunction with the annual plan public consultation procedure.

''There will be the opportunity to schedule meetings with particular interest groups during this time as well as holding open days at the stadium. This will give the public the opportunity to view the existing facility as well as view the concept plans and have their questions answered.

''The purpose of the Special Consultative Procedure (SCP) is to give the public the opportunity to avail themselves of the facts, and every effort will be made to ensure that the full information will be communicated to all ratepayers.''

It was expected a draft annual plan

and summary would be published on February 27, she said.


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