A teenage driver on a learner's licence allegedly crashed an unwarranted and unregistered vehicle on the St Kevin's College grounds on Monday afternoon.
Constable Neil Rushton said about 1pm on Monday, a 19-year-old Oamaru male drove into the St Kevin's College grounds to collect a passenger. He performed a U-turn to leave the school grounds and drove on the grass.
He allegedly lost traction and drove into a lightpost, which broke at the base and bent on a 45-degree angle, Const Rushton said.
A female front-seat passenger ''smashed her head on the windscreen'' and was taken to Oamaru Hospital to be treated for moderate injuries.
The 19-year-old driver held only a learner's licence and the vehicle was unwarranted and unregistered, Const Rushton said.
The driver was not a pupil of St Kevin's College. Police investigations are continuing.