Last Friday, a portion of the scheme's main canal collapsed just east of Lake Ruataniwha. The slip is clearly visible from State Highway 8 on the side of the hill.
Company chairman Danny McAughtrie did not know how much had collapsed. However, it was hoped the problem would be rectified by this weekend, restoring the irrigation.
A contractor had been employed to restore the flow. The repairs would also need signing off by an engineer.
The scheme started delivering water about four years ago and was recently extended through the Benmore Saddle to the Ahuriri River.
Mr McAughtrie said the break had come at one of the worst times of the year, but he was not aware of it causing any major problems for farmers.
"The scheme has only been going for a short time and this is the first major problem we have had.
It is part of the ongoing process of a new scheme going through the settling-in process," he said.