Bridge club open night tomorrow

Tony Willetts was initially put off joining the Oamaru Bridge Club because he was scared of the card game.

But once he joined, he realised how enjoyable it was and went on to become president, this year immediate past-president.

Now, he is trying to help others overcome their reticence by organising a bridge demonstration night at the club tomorrow at 7.30pm.

All ages are invited along for a fun night, to meet new people, see the clubroom facilities and watch or experience what is described as the ''ultimate in card games''.

While the club has 150 members, the aim is to get more people involved and generate interest before the annual introduction to bridge lessons start on Monday.

Mr Willetts said the club had players aged from early teens to mid-90s and they were as diverse as the reasons why people played the game.

''All claim bridge helps to keep the mind sharp and alert,'' he said.

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