Boat ramp operational again

The Waitaki Bridge boat-launching ramp on the Waitaki River is now back in use, after years of almost no access because of flooding.

The Lower Waitaki River Management Society this week had contractors reinstating access and improving the car park, a $5000 project that is the first in improving access to the river.

The concrete boat ramp was provided about 20 years ago. It was vital for access to the lower river and river mouth for search and rescue, and was popular for recreational use.

About 10 years ago, the ramp was widened to take two boats. However, the failure of a protective groyne upstream pushed water on to the access road and flooded the car park, making access almost impossible except during the lowest flows.

Now the society has had a digger repair the groyne and construct a stopbank to divert the water from the road and car park. Trees have been cleared to make the car park bigger, and the road and car park have been shingled.

Society chairman Bill Penno said the ramp was important for recreation, but vital for safety, and search and rescue.


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