On Saturday afternoon, some of the participants in that night's annual midwinter masquerade donned bird masks and outfits and paraded around the show in the Drill Hall.
The colourful spectacle included a wide variety of birds, including a kea, an albatross and artist Donna Demente dressed as a swan.
Show champions: Best game fowl, A. Sangster; best light breed, T. Cardno; best heavy breed, B. J. Glassey; best duck, A. J. Davies; best game bantam, B. Hawker; best fancy bantam, P. Mathieson; best fancy pigeon, D. Barclay; best homing pigeon, J. D. McKay; best canary, N. P. and R. M. Thompson; best budgerigar, S. Anderson; best all other cage birds, Hillview Farm.