Big birds poking beaks in at show

Oliver Briggs (left) and his sister Julia Briggs dress as birds to attend the Oamaru Poultry...
Oliver Briggs (left) and his sister Julia Briggs dress as birds to attend the Oamaru Poultry Pigeon and Canary Society's show on Saturday. Photo by Sally Rae.
Some unusual-looking birds ruffled a few feathers at the Oamaru Poultry Pigeon and Canary Society's 125th jubilee show at the weekend.

On Saturday afternoon, some of the participants in that night's annual midwinter masquerade donned bird masks and outfits and paraded around the show in the Drill Hall.

The colourful spectacle included a wide variety of birds, including a kea, an albatross and artist Donna Demente dressed as a swan.

Show champions: Best game fowl, A. Sangster; best light breed, T. Cardno; best heavy breed, B. J. Glassey; best duck, A. J. Davies; best game bantam, B. Hawker; best fancy bantam, P. Mathieson; best fancy pigeon, D. Barclay; best homing pigeon, J. D. McKay; best canary, N. P. and R. M. Thompson; best budgerigar, S. Anderson; best all other cage birds, Hillview Farm.


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