Berries reign supreme at market

Customers at the Oamaru Christmas Eve market swarm the berry stalls to get their dessert...
Customers at the Oamaru Christmas Eve market swarm the berry stalls to get their dessert ingredients. PHOTO: WYATT RYDER
Berries, berries, berries.

Oamaru’s Christmas Eve market was all about the berries.

The usual Sunday market was a little extra merry and much busier on Christmas Eve, with many people trying to score last-minute Christmas dinner ingredients.

New potatoes and meat were popular choices, but raspberries reigned supreme as the most popular with strawberries a close second.

Raspberry Cottage Waimate owner Sarala Tamang said the berries were almost all that people cared about.

She was cleared out of stock by 10am, but had prepared ahead of time and planned another van-load to arrive later in the day.

The weather had pushed back picking by a couple of days, so there was less stock available compared with last year.

She would be taking a small break for family time on Christmas Day, but the berries still had to be picked, she said.

It was a similar situation for the other berry seller at the market.

Christala Christofi said they sold all 20 crates of berries within two hours.

The market did not officially open until 9.30am, but it was set up and selling at 7.30am.

The Sweet Smith owner Caitlin Smith said all of the items with berries had been selling well.

She had also prepared about 70 mince tarts, all of which were sold within an hour.

Although she was at the market almost every week, she specially prepared more desserts for the Christmas Eve market.