Band appeals to young to ensure future player base

The Oamaru Garrison Band is blowing its own trumpet in a bid to provide a player base for the future.

It has issued "a call to all young people" to come along to an open night, listen to the band and consider playing a brass instrument or percussion.

Band publicity officer Alistair Livingstone has visited 12 Oamaru schools to promote the event and said the response was "terrific".

"A lot of families have musical children and this is a free way to enable them to learn an instrument," Mr Livingstone said.

The band has 20 players, although a few months ago it had only about a dozen.

It needs about 25 players for the ideal band size.

Mr Livingstone views the open night as one way to provide players for the future.

The open night on October 13 at 7.30pm will give young people a chance to talk to players about the band.

The band will supply instruments, uniforms and free tuition to young people from 10 years old upwards.


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