Genesis Energy and Meridian Energy produce up to 30% of the nation’s electricity in the heavily modified catchment, and they have both applied to Environment Canterbury for 35-year renewals of their existing consents.
A Treaty of Waitangi impact assessment prepared on behalf of Te Rūnanga o Moeraki, Te Rūnanga o Waihao and Te Rūnanga o Arowhenua said there were long-standing concerns about the health of the catchment.
"Mana whenua realise that many of the effects of the scheme are permanent, given the technology that exists at this point in time," it said.
"Some whānau want to see the dams removed but know that this is not feasible and, if it becomes feasible, is not likely to give us back our braided Waitaki River."
Te Mana o te Wai, the fundamental concept of the Essential Freshwater regulations introduced by the government three years ago, would apply across the 11,000sqkm of the hydro-power schemes.
Implementing the provisions of Te Mana o te Wai would require "an increased commitment from the generators", and an "enhanced relationship agreement" with mana whena was an essential part of the agreements the companies reached with Waitaki runaka before the applications were lodged.
Among the long-standing concerns of mana whenua was the disruption of seasonal settlements and seasonal harvesting of food, such as eels and weka.
"Taonga, such as tuna (eels), which was a mainstay of many whānau diets, is significantly impacted by damming the river," the assessment said.
The ongoing operation of the hydro-power schemes perpetuated the sense of loss of the land, the assessment said.
Genesis and Meridian own and operate the Tekapo Power Scheme and the Waitaki Power Scheme, respectively.
Each is managing the consenting process for their schemes.
The applications will be publicly notified.