Appeal for skateboard park

Hampden children want a skateboard park in their town, and have asked the Waitaki District Council to help.

Yesterday, a petition with 184 signatures was presented to the Waitaki District Council's annual plan hearings asking it to be involved in the project.

Hampden resident Susan Camp, representing the children of Hampden and its surrounds, said they had prepared a concept for a skateboard park, had started fund-raising and looked at three possible sites.

Providing a basic facility could cost about $12,000 and other equipment could be added as funds were raised. It would be used by children from Hampden, Moeraki and Herbert.

Three sites looked at were at the Hampden beach, on a reserve opposite the Hampden camping ground or a site close to State Highway 1.

Children were not allowed to skateboard on the tennis courts, at the school or the hotel's car park. They were skateboarding in the gutter along SH1, which was dangerous.

The children had the support of the community and a lot of people had offered to help build the park, including those with earthmoving equipment.

Boat ramp: The boat-launching ramp on the Waitaki River at State Highway 1 is to be upgraded so it can be reopened.

The project is being undertaken by the Lower Waitaki River Management Society and should start "within a few weeks", society chairman Bill Penno told the Waitaki District Council yesterday.

The ramp has not been used because of flooding and access is blocked by willows.

Mr Penno was appealing in support of an application from the society for a $500 grant towards the cost of the project.

Tutu Hill Rd: Eighteen residents on Tutu Hill Rd, near Weston, want about 500m of their road sealed, which they estimate would cost about $36,000.

It was too expensive to seal the whole road, and they suggested sealing a portion from the bridge near Weston to Essex St, where most residents lived.


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