Organisers of the North Otago A and P Show have said they intend to "pull out all the stops" for the show's 150th anniversary.
North Otago A and P association secretary Barbara Watt said a "very full programme" was already taking shape for the show, in Oamaru on February 22 and 23.
"We are getting our grandstand up to date, which will be all ready to go. Improvements on that are good. We are just starting to get the entertainment and the schedule for the animal entries and type of thing all ready for the show and that should be ready to go out in October.
"We are accepting entries for trade space now."
Mrs Watt said entertainment was also being organised and there would be a mix of "the old and the new."
"We are going to try to have milking demonstrations and shearing demonstrations and that type of thing, so there is something actually happening.
"We are going to pull out all the stops, as you would."
The North Otago A and P Show Princess competition would also go ahead, she said.