$50,000 task for Asia trip

A group of eight Waitaki Boys High School pupils have a big task ahead of them if they are to get away on a three-week educational and cultural tour of Asia next year.

They have to raise $6000 each, or almost $50,000, for the venture.

The trip is being organised by Sandy Mattisson and her husband, John, who is a deputy rector at the school.

Mrs Mattisson said the trip was a new venture for the school, this time going to Asia instead of Europe.

The pupils plan to leave New Zealand on July 10 and will go to China, Thailand and Singapore in what she described as "three weeks of cultural immersion".

"It will give them a chance to experience other cultures and religions."

Some of the places they will visit are schools, religious temples and sites, and may even include the infamous "Bangkok Hilton" prison.

The eight boys who have registered for the trip have to meet their own costs and have organised fund-raising events, including a teams paintball competition on November 28 and 29.

The paintball will be open to 10 teams and Mrs Mattisson is encouraging professions, companies, churches and other groups to get a team together.

They are also planning other events, including a possible dinner show at the end of November.

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