$100,000 boost for A2O trail

A new off-road section of the Alps 2 Ocean (A2O) cycle trail is expected to be open to cyclists by Christmas, after the Community Trust of Mid and South Canterbury announced it would provide $100,000 to take the trail off the beaten track.

The trust this week awarded grants to 14 community groups, including the Friends of the Alps 2 Ocean Cycle Trail, who have been sourcing community funding for off-road extensions to the trail.

The grant would help construct an off-road trail on a 14km stretch of ''The Old Slip Road'', which runs along the northern side of Lake Waitaki, between the Aviemore Dam and Hakataramea, and Friends of the Alps 2 Ocean Cycle Trail treasurer Adair Craik said the off-road trail would enable cyclists to enjoy ''impressive views'' as well as take them off the main highway and into Kurow.

''It's hugely exciting, we're absolutely thrilled with the support they have given us. It's a designated fund that will go towards a specific part of the trail, keeping them off the state highway, keeping them safe.

''Once cyclists reach Hakataramea they will be able to cross the new Kurow bridge on a cycle lane to Kurow.''

Ms Craik said it was hoped that ''a fair bit'' of construction work would be complete by the end of December.

The 300km trail, which links Mt Cook and Oamaru, runs through the Waimate, Waitaki and Mackenzie areas, and Mid and South Canterbury Community Trust public relations manager Clive Callow said the trust had viewed the project as ''very beneficial'', both in financial terms and health terms for all three districts.

The $100,000 grant had accounted for the ''lion's share'' of the total $180,000 awarded in the trust's latest funding round, he said.

- andrew.ashton@odt.co.nz

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