Show-and-tell at school was pretty exciting in Dunedin yesterday. And it was particularly so for Amelia Brown, as her dad brought the Ranfurly Shield to school.
''It's pretty cool,'' she said, when Otago coach Tony Brown popped into her Maori Hill School with the shield yesterday morning.
The Log o' Wood had been a popular distraction for school pupils around the province over the past week, Mr Brown said.
''It's been a great week. Hopefully, we'll have it for another week, so we can take it around to every school.''
Maori Hill School pupil Simon Macknight (6) said he was impressed by ''how big and shiny'' the shield was.
The family connection continued yesterday afternoon at Outram School, with Otago assistant coach Phil Young's grandchildren, pupils Jakob and Katelyn Eaton, carrying the shield into a special assembly.
Mr Young, an Outram local and former member of the school's board of trustees, said it was ''special'' taking the shield where his children and now his grandchildren went to school.
''It's pretty unreal, really. All my kids went through this school; it's just so nice to give something back.''
It had been ''awesome'' the way the region had ''embraced'' the shield over the week.
''We feel as though everyone is connected to it, so it's only fair that everybody gets an opportunity [to see it].''
Jakob and Katelyn both said it was ''cool'' their grandfather was involved in winning the shield.
The shield also visited Opoho School yesterday and many other schools across Otago during the week.