Ice nice for curlers

Pleased after checking the thickness of ice on the Idaburn Dam are (from left) Robert Rutherford,...
Pleased after checking the thickness of ice on the Idaburn Dam are (from left) Robert Rutherford, Stewart McKnight and Murray McKnight. Photo by Stephen Jaquiery.
Gore District Council parking officer Sue Neiman with a  shard of ice but no parking meter head....
Gore District Council parking officer Sue Neiman with a shard of ice but no parking meter head. Sub-zero temperatures have caused water in the pipe stands to freeze and expand, pushing the heads off their pipe stands. Photo supplied.
En route to Milford Sound  yesterday,   John Robson photographed these  icicles on  the side of...
En route to Milford Sound yesterday, John Robson photographed these icicles on the side of the Milford Rd. Photo by John Robson.

Bring on the frosts - that is the message from curling enthusiasts, who are keen to play "the roaring game" on natural ice.

If the run of hard frosts continue, a "mini-bonspiel" is on the cards at the Manorburn dam, near Alexandra, this weekend, followed by a one-day bonspiel on the Idaburn dam, at Oturehua, early next week.

Ice masters have been checking the ice depth regularly, with the Idaburn sporting a coating of 7.5cm yesterday while the Manorburn had just over 6cm. Between 10cm and 12cm is needed before the ice will hold a curling tournament.

"There's a good base, so it's looking promising, but it all depends on the weather later in the week," ice master Stewart McKnight, of Ranfurly, said.

Ice master Bert Kemp, of Alexandra, said the ice depth on Manorburn had doubled since Sunday: "If we get a few more days of this, we'll look at a mini-bonspiel this weekend," he said.

Cold temperatures continued yesterday.

Twizel again experienced frosty conditions with a 9.4deg frost recorded at 5.30am, the 35th sub-zero morning in the past 36 days.

By 4.30pm yesterday, the temperature was still -2.7degC.

Arrowtown had an 11.5deg frost yesterday, but residents said there were no hints yet of hoar-frost conditions.

In Gore, the effects of consecutive days of days of sub-zero temperatures forced 10 parking meter heads in the town off their stands, due to water freezing and expanding in the pipes.

Heavy frosts and ice have caused havoc on South Otago roads, with 10 crashes in less than two days, around Balclutha, Milburn, Waipahi, Beaumont, Waitahuna, and Clinton. Most drivers escaped major injury.

In the most serious crash, a Milton woman received serious lower-leg injuries, requiring surgery, after crashing near Balclutha at 5.50pm on Monday.


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