The council’s "Biosecurity: State of Pest Management in Otago, 2023 Report" said, in addition, twice as many wallabies were destroyed in the region this year compared to last.
The council has a goal of eradicating the introduced marsupial in Otago by 2029.
More than 30,000 hours of surveillance and control work was done in 2022-23.
Searches were conducted over 332,500ha — and 16 wallabies were destroyed.
During the previous financial year, more than 292,911ha of surveillance and control work was completed and eight wallabies were killed.
The Bennett’s wallaby is one of three species the council has targeted for eradication in its 10-year regional pest management plan.
Rooks and spiny broom are also being targeted for a reduction to "zero levels" within Otago.
Wallabies, though, are abundant in neighbouring South Canterbury where they can be found across about 450,000ha, in what is known as a containment area.
In order to protect against incursion into the Mackenzie Basin, Environment Canterbury is building a 48km wallaby exclusion fence to try to contain their spread.
The state of pest management in Otago report, due to be presented to the Otago Regional Council’s environmental implementation committee tomorrow, said part of the effort to eradicate wallabies included installing 150 new "report wallaby" signs in the region.
"Wallabies cause significant adverse environmental effects," the report said.
"These include preventing regeneration of native bush, depletion of forest understorey, damage to tussock grasslands, and possible impacts on water quality.
"Adverse economic effects include damage to pasture and there is evidence of wallabies grazing on green feed crops.
"Wallabies also damage exotic forests, particularly at the establishment stage, with damage being more serious in areas bordering native vegetation."
The report gives updates on all 46 plant and animal pest species listed in the 2019-29 pest management plan.
Earlier this year the council confirmed wallaby surveillance had found signs of wallabies at several sites in the Flagstaff-Swampy Summit and Silverstream Valley areas, near Dunedin.