Young people land jobs thanks to task force

Newly employed caregiver Taylah Matehe (left), Teviot Valley Rest Home Manager, Marion Hamilton...
Newly employed caregiver Taylah Matehe (left), Teviot Valley Rest Home Manager, Marion Hamilton and Mayor Tim Cadogan celebrate the success of the Mayor’s Taskforce for Jobs programme. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Ten young people have been helped into permanent employment since March with the help of the Central Otago Mayor’s Taskforce for Jobs.

The task force is part of a nationwide partnership between Local Government New Zealand and the Ministry of Social Development.

Mayor Tim Cadogan said he was passionate about the initiative, which focused on getting young people into sustainable employment.

"This is a community-led solution at its finest."

Task force co-ordinator Craig Gilchrist worked one on one with 16- to 24-year-olds who were at risk of not being involved in education, employment or training.

They received individualised support to become work-ready and secure employment.

Funding was also available to help them with work clothing, equipment and training.

Teviot Valley resident Taylah Matehe, 22, received help with career guidance, CV development and interview skills.

She was then employed by the Teviot Valley Rest Home as a caregiver.

"I would never have got this job, or even thought it could be an option, without the support."

Tyreland was quick to jump on board and had employed two young people in different local branches.

Tyreland Central Otago manager Derek Curzon said he was grateful for the support the programme offered.

"We are always keen to support our local youth, and the extra pastoral support given has been appreciated.’’