Weather draws good crowd

Jessica and daughter Jahleigha (2) Nichol, both of Alexandra, play with goats at the Central...
Jessica and daughter Jahleigha (2) Nichol, both of Alexandra, play with goats at the Central Otago A&P Show in Omakau on Saturday. Photo: Jono Edwards.
Good weather helped entice thousands to an event at the weekend that has been a Central Otago staple since its beginnings in the late 1800s.

The 120th Central Otago A&P Show filled the Omakau Domain with horse jumping, rides and melting ice creams on Saturday.

Secretary Jennifer Mataitis said that it was a signature event in the region.

"I mean it’s been going for more than a century. Everyone kind of looks forward to it."

Last year, a crowd of about 2500 showed up at the event, but this year attendance was closer to 3000, she said.

It was marketed as the Central Otago show, despite upcoming A&P shows in Maniototo, on Wednesday, and in Roxburgh, on Friday and Saturday.

There were good entry numbers in the equestrian events, including a new section called the mounted games.

A woodchopping competition was introduced this year. At past shows the sport was there in demonstration form only.

"It was an awesome day out. We couldn’t have asked for a better event,’’ Ms Mataitis said.‘‘It feels like one of the first proper days of summer."

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