Water work design contract awarded

Excellent water quality spots included the Clutha River sampled at Millers Flat and Lake Dunstan ...
Lake Dunstan. Photo: ODT
A contractor has been chosen to design Lake Dunstan Water Supply project.

Central Otago District Council infrastructure services executive manager Julie Muir said at the council's Audit and Risk Committee meeting last week Stantec was awarded the contract for $510,880.

The Lake Dunstan Water Supply project is a development to upgrade Alexandra's water supply by building a pipeline from Clyde to Alexandra to ensure the water scheme met New Zealand water drinking standards.

Ms Muir said the design process would finish in July. The design process would include the full treatment works - the bore field at the Clyde water supply, a single treatment facility at Clyde to service both Clyde and Alexandra and the construction of a pipeline between the Clyde treatment site and the Alexandra northern reservoir.

A decision on tenders for construction of the treatment works would be made in June after the public consultation of the 10-year plan.

The council's 10-year plan public consultation document said the project was budgeted at $11.2million.

The project was expected to be completed in two stages - the first in 2020 and the second from 2027-29.

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