Water at camp site now safe

Water testing at the Bendigo freedom camping site beside Lake Dunstan has shown E. coli levels have reduced to acceptable levels and there is no longer any risk to the public.

An outbreak of E. coli at the Bendigo site was confirmed on January 23 and visitors were advised not to swim, fish or take water from the area in Lake Dunstan immediately surrounding the Bendigo site, and warning signs were put in place.

Land Information New Zealand (Linz) later announced the cause of the E. coli outbreak had been traced to ducks creating unacceptably high levels of bacteria.

Linz group manager of Crown property, John Hook, said yesterday further water quality testing at Bendigo had shown E. coli levels had now dropped to acceptable levels and there was no longer any risk to the public. Laboratory testing had given ''the all clear'', and warning signage had been removed, Mr Hook said.

He thanked everyone ''for their patience'' while the cause of the contamination was determined.



So have the ducks moved on? or have the campers?