Vote if this is your favourite place to ride

Photo: Jono Edwards.
Photo: Jono Edwards.
Otago Central Rail Trail Charitable Trust facilitator Clare Toia-Bailey takes a break from riding at the Muttontown Bridge near Clyde.

She is encouraging the public to vote for the trail in the New Zealand Transport Agency's fourth annual New Zealand's Favourite Places to Ride competition.

Last year, the trail won the overall prize, as well as best great ride.

A changed format this year meant it was much more difficult to win the overall prize, but it would be good for it to maintain the best great ride status, she said.

It was the stops, as well as the scenery on the ride itself, which made the trail special.

''It just has so many things to do along the way. You can go curling, and visit such friendly people.''

Voting is at and closes on May 31. 

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