Town’s promotional video attracts plenty of attention

A video extolling the virtues of Alexandra has gone viral as the town looks towards post-lockdown life.

The video loaded to social media on Tuesday has already gained more than 28,000 views and 470 shares creator Will Nelson says.

The videographer is based in the Central Otago town and said he was approached by Promote Alexandra chairman Wayne Perkins to produce a video to promote the town as a place to visit post-pandemic.

"It’s gotten an awesome response, more than 28,000 views in a couple of days."

Mr Nelson said he put the video together with Mr Perkins’ script voluntarily, to help the town attract domestic tourism as lockdown restrictions ease.

Mr Perkins said many people would struggle, both in lockdown and emerging from it.

"We needed to do everything we could to bring people to our town."

Mr Nelson had been obliging in putting together footage to support his script, he said.

"I spoke to Will and said ‘look, we have no budget but can you put something together for us?"’

The video had gone "great guns" since and was a welcome sign life post-lockdown had the potential to turn around or develop into a new reality, he said.

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