Success is in the blood

Alexandra cousins (from left) Cori O’Neill, 14, Johnny O’Neill-Cooney, 13, Jada O’Neill-Cooney,...
Alexandra cousins (from left) Cori O’Neill, 14, Johnny O’Neill-Cooney, 13, Jada O’Neill-Cooney, 15, Tane O’Neill, 13, and Hayvin O’Neill, 15.  PHOTO: RUBY SHAW
Four cousins from Alexandra are lining up to take a shot at softball success. 

Cori O’Neill, 14, Johnny O’Neill-Cooney, 13, Jada O’Neill-Cooney, 15, Tane O’Neill, 13, and Hayvin O’Neill, 15, have been selected for the New Zealand U15 boys’ and girls’ softball teams, which will travel to Sydney on Saturday.

There, they will compete in the inaugural invitational Tasman Cup tournament against New South Wales teams. 

The teenagers have all fundraised to get themselves to Australia - selling hāngī meals, sponsored tops and carwashes.

Cori said the tournament was an opportunity to develop her skills and see how others played the game.

She had been introduced to the game by her mum Jeanine.

"I wouldn’t know what it was if Mum didn’t play," she said.

The cousins would all like to compete at higher levels - "play and play good", Tane said.

They return to New Zealand on October 7.