Submissions evenly split

Pioneer Generation's plans for a $15 million to $20 million hydro-electric scheme on the upper Fraser River near Alexandra has drawn a mixed reaction.

The company's application to the Central Otago District Council for resource consents has attracted five submissions.

Two are in favour, two opposed and one is neutral.

A hearing for the application is set down for May 12.

The run-of-river power scheme would be connected to the Central Otago network and generate enough electricity annually to power 3500 homes.

It would comprise a low weir, up to 4m high, a power station and pipeline and most of the scheme structures would be on Earnscleugh Station land and on the river margin.

Pioneer already generates power from the river.

The Fraser power scheme takes water about 5km downstream of the Fraser Dam and was constructed in the mid-1950s.

The company was spending about $3 million to update that scheme as well and both Fraser schemes would operate independently, chief executive Fraser Jonker said last month.

If consented, it will be Pioneer's first new hydro scheme since 2010, when the Kowhai hydro-electric power station began operating on the Teviot River, 3.5km east of Roxburgh.

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