Subdivision planned with 18 houses lots

Tussock-covered landscaping created as part of the Pisa Moorings subdivision would be removed in a proposed 18-lot subdivision in the Pisa area.

AJ Devlin, CM Robinson and JM Robinson have applied to establish the 1.6ha residential subdivision on land that has frontage to Ferry Lane, Pisa Moorings Rd and Wakefield Lane.

Sixteen of the 18 sections, which would be in Residential Resource (3) zoning, would be smaller than the 1000sqm required in the Central Otago District Council's district plan.

The sections would range in size from 850sqm to 1145sqm.

A report from planning consultant David Whitney said much of the site was covered in exotic grasses that were maintained to reduce fire risk.

The southwest of the site was a landscaped area with tussock plantings, a dry creek bed area and other plantings, all done at the time of the original Pisa Moorings subdivision.

Mr Whitney has recommended the sections adjacent to Ferry Lane be at least 1000sqm in size, and that another lot be created as local purpose reserve (recreation). This would result in some reconfiguration of the sections.

The breach of the minimum lot rules would have a limited effect on the amenity and character values of the area, Mr Whitney said. He recommended the application be approved, subject to conditions. No submissions on the application were received and it will be considered by the council's hearings panel tomorrow.

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