The Cromwell Community Board meeting last week gave the non-profit racing track $4300 to cover expenses, short of the total $18,000 it requested for a new resource consent application for the 8.3ha site on Sandflat Rd.
The board requested the speedway complete a new consent in September 2016 before it granted a new lease, as the previous land use consent was granted in 1980 and had few conditions covering noise and hours of activity.
Board chairman Neil Gillespie last week said it should suggest the speedway delay the consent process so the board could assess the future use of the land.
"The board needs time to consider some issues relating to that land and other landholders we have in terms of the district plan review and other growth-related issues in Cromwell, which to be fair probably weren’t that apparent when we first looked at the speedway club’s future going forward.
"Staff can talk to the speedway club about the other issues we need to work through and make sure we don’t get ourselves into a tangled web, or they get themselves into a tangled web."
The money requested by the speedway was from an account created in 2005 by the board, into which $2000 of its rent money goes every year. The club can apply for funds from this account to redevelop and upgrade facilities.
A report to the council noted since the club started operating, its activity had increased, with longer events involving more participants. The establishment of the adjoining Highlands Motorsport Park and the growth of Cromwell and Bannockburn added to these adverse effects, it said.
"There is growing concern from the community about noise from motorsport activity. As such, discussions were held with the club about the effects of the activity and the operating protocols of the club."