Space science centre rebranded

Xerra Earth Observation Institute Ltd chief executive Steve Cotter stands beside the rebranded...
Xerra Earth Observation Institute Ltd chief executive Steve Cotter stands beside the rebranded company's website.PHOTO: PAM JONES
A rebranding of Alexandra's Centre for Space Science Technology to the Xerra Earth Observation Institute better reflects its focus and expertise, chief executive Steve Cotter says.

"The people and capability of our organisation will remain the same. The only change is to our name and our visual identity as a brand."

CSST was established in July 2017. The rebranded Xerra (based on the Latin world for Earth) now has about 16 staff, based in Alexandra and throughout the country.

It helps New Zealand's businesses, industries, government and research community access new and existing Earth observation (EO) imagery and data, and develops EO data products and solutions specific to users' needs.

Mr Cotter said the name change had come after 18 months of speaking to potential customers and partners.

"The name better reflects the industry we're in and provides us the opportunity to stand out in a dynamic and evolving market."

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