Smoking ban support

Central Otago Mayor Tony Lepper. Photo by ODT.
Central Otago Mayor Tony Lepper. Photo by ODT.
Central Otago Mayor Tony Lepper says he is "extremely supportive'' of a 10-year smoke-free plan for the district.

In a submission to the Central Otago District Council's annual plan, Smokefree New Zealand proposed the council adopt a strategy in accordance with the Government's Smokefree New Zealand 2025 goal.

The plan would involve gradually banning smoking in certain areas in Central Otago over the next 10 years.

The council recommended at a meeting in Alexandra last week its staff create a report of what this would entail before making further decisions.

Mr Lepper said he was "extremely supportive'' of the plan.

"Sports grounds are the most controversial, but I think we've already made most of our sports grounds smoke-free.''

The plan was about attitude, rather than enforcement, he said.

"In community meetings they've been talking about enforcement, but it's all about messaging.''

He had no problem with putting smoke-free signs on cycle trails, he said.

The plan proposed by Smokefree New Zealand recommended in the next year bans be introduced in farmers markets on council land, retail malls and cycle and walking trails, among other areas.

Targets for the following year included all public outdoor areas associated with the council and all outdoor dining/bar area on council footpaths and land.

The council's recommendation will be finalised when the new budget is created later this month.

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