Seeking to uphold 'policing values'

Olaf Jensen. Photo by Blair Pattinson.
Olaf Jensen. Photo by Blair Pattinson.
Central Otago's new police commander says the force aims to ''hold to account'' officers who fail to meet standards.

Inspector Olaf Jensen was confirmed as area commander of the renamed Otago Lakes-Central policing district in January.

But in the first few months of his reign, and more than a year as relieving area commander, policing standards have come under fire and several officers were before the courts on various charges.

Central Otago Mayor Tony Lepper said in December cases had eroded the community's respect for the region's police and they would have to work hard to rebuild confidence.

They include. -

• A Central Otago police officer who filmed a teenager in the shower using a police-issue iPhone, October 2014. He was sentenced to supervision and community work, and granted final name suppression. He resigned from the force in December.

• Queenstown constable Jenny McNee guilty of racially insulting a taxi driver while off-duty, November 2013. She resigned from the force.

• Two Central Otago constables accused of unprofessional conduct and allegedly harassing two teenagers in July. There was no formal investigation. Both officers resigned from the force.

• A Central Otago officer charged with assault in December after an investigation into excessive force at the local police station. Case ongoing.

Insp Jensen says: ''As in any policing environment and in any organisation, a few of our staff occasionally don't make the right decisions or uphold our policing values.

''When this occurs we do our best to hold them to account.

''We've got to remember that there is a lot of excellent work being done daily by Otago Lakes-Central staff to keep the local community safe.''

Insp Jensen says significant reductions in crime in the area are testament to the hard work of staff.

''The majority of our staff are very committed and focused on working to prevent and reduce crime in their community.''

And asked whether he has forewarned other officers over expected standards of conduct, he says: ''We always have high expectations of our staff in relation to their behaviour and values and, where appropriate, hold them to account.''

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