Seasonal Solutions 'good for everyone'

Pipfruit New Zealand director and Teviot orchardist Stephen Darling keeps an eye on some Royal...
Pipfruit New Zealand director and Teviot orchardist Stephen Darling keeps an eye on some Royal Gala apples being washed at his Ettrick packhouse. Photo by Sarah Marquet.
The horticulture industry in Central Otago is heavily reliant on labourers, but about eight years ago it was facing a huge shortage of people willing to pick and pack fruit.

Seeds were sown by the Ministry of Social Development and Seasonal Solutions, a co-operative between growers, which aims to fill those employment gaps, resuolted.

General manager Craig Howard said the whole idea behind the organisation was "all about solving some pretty serious labour shortages in Central Otago".

While Seasonal Solutions services only Central Otago, a similar organisation is now in place in Hawkes Bay.

This season, Seasonal Solutions has been responsible for filling about 1000 positions on orchards and in packhouses.

Mr Howard said of those 1000, the majority, accounting for about 50% of the workers, were backpackers here on a working holiday.

The other two groups were New Zealanders and RSE (Recognised Seasonal Employer) workers, mainly from Vanuatu.

He said there was a 70%-80% return rate in the workers coming from Vanuatu, which was good for growers - they do not need to retrain people - and "just good for everyone, really".

Pipfruit New Zealand Director and Teviot orchardist Stephen Darling is a member of the co-operative and also runs a more personal programme on his orchard.

He has people from the Solomon Islands come out each season to work for him and says he gets to see the results first-hand, which is rewarding considering the limited job opportunities in the Solomons.

One of his workers managed to save enough one season to buy her father a car when she got home. He now runs a taxi business, giving his family a source of income.

Another of the workers managed to save enough to start building a house and each season he manages to save more to build additions.

"So one apple is supporting a whole bunch of people around the world."


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