At a roading committee meeting this week, which was part of the council meeting, the committee approved the construction of four projects, to be completed by the end of June, in addition to four that had previously been approved.
A report presented to the committee written by council roading engineer Andy Bartlett said a turning area at Richards Beach Rd in Cromwell would be created to allow for better access to sewage treatment works and a camper van dumping station.
Road access to the lakefront by Richards Beach Rd was congested and required an upgrade.
A sealed turning area with signage to improve safety was proposed.
Council executive manager infrastructure services Julie Muir said a gravel cycle path along Bannockburn Rd, from the southern end of the Bannockburn bridge to Richards Beach Rd, would be created by the end of June.
Pedestrian crossings in Waenga Dr in Cromwell would be upgraded, after residents requested improvements.
New subdivision growth increased the number of pedestrians and school journeys in the street.
A new build-out into the kerb beside two crossings near the greenway beside Stowell Dr and Jollys Rd would be constructed.
Access to the dumping station in Teviot St in Roxburgh would also be improved.
Ms Muir said four plans had been approved earlier - adding signage and some driver pull-over areas on the Central Otago Touring Route from Queenstown to Dunedin, a winery information kiosk in Bannockburn and district-wide LED streetlight upgrades.
The district-wide LED upgrades were due to be complete by June 30.
Ms Muir was not sure when the work on the touring route would be complete.
In total, the upgrades will cost $759,000.
The report by Mr Bartlett said funding would come from the long-term plan and the NZ Transport Agency's low-cost, low-risk roading improvements programme.
In July the NZTA will increase the amount it co-funds projects on the programme from $300,000 to $1million.