Rebuilt pie cart dependent on cost

The pie cart goes up in flames.
The pie cart goes up in flames.
An insurance claim on the Alexandra Pie Cart, which went up in flames almost two months ago, has been accepted, but the owners are still unsure whether that means it will be rebuilt.

Alexandra couple Trevor Lyons and Lynne Giles ran the kerbside diner from Centennial Ave, near the town's museum, for 16 years until an electrical fault caused a fire and gutted their only source of income.

Ms Giles said their insurance company had accepted the claim, but was still going through the process of getting quotes from builders.

She said it would depend on the quotes whether the cart would be rebuilt or the insurance company would pay them out.

If they did get a payout she said they would love to rebuild, but that would depend on the amount of money they got.

Either way, it may not look the same.

"We don't know if it will be the same, it all depends on the price - but the service will be the same.

"It's not our choice as far as the rebuild ... it's the insurance company because they're the ones footing the bill."

She said if it was up to them to choose the builders, they would go for a local company, because of the support the business had received from local people.

In the meantime, the couple continue to pay rates on the site their cart occupied in the hope they will once again be able to operate there.

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