More than 40 children from Alexandra Primary School, Terrace School and St Gerard's School helped clean up the Boundary Rd Reserve at Alexandra for World Environment Week.
Alexandra Primary pupils the ''Ninja Planters'' (from left) Erica Morris (12), Bethan Clark (13), both year 8, Ethan Annear (11), of year 7, Aimee Calder (12), and Lauren Gray (12), both of year 8, are pictured rabbit-proofing a native bush plant, the Twiggy Bush Daisy (Olearia Dartonii).
They also planted native trees and other bushes.
The Keep Alexandra Clyde Beautiful community group and other volunteers helped as well.
Central Otago Rural Education Activities Programme community sustainability facilitator Anna Robinson said the day brought school classes and community groups together helping them get back to nature.
The children and volunteers were ''doing something of benefit for the community'' and ''creating little sanctuaries'' for birds and insects, she said.
Native plants such as beech trees, cabbage trees, flax and hebes were planted.
The programme was organised by Making a Difference for Central Otago and hosted by the Central Otago Rural Education Activities Programme.