Proposal favours plain Tuapeka ward name

Geoff Blackmore.
Geoff Blackmore.
The South Otago town of Lawrence will have its name dropped from its local electorate ward name next year if a Clutha District Council proposal goes ahead unchallenged.

During a meeting to finalise its six-yearly representation review proposal, the council voted 6-3 in favour of the name change from "Lawrence-Tuapeka" ward and community board, to "Tuapeka".

Two councillors abstained, but current Lawrence-Tuapeka ward councillor Geoff Blackmore was confident his vote in favour of the name drop would be met with support in the town and surrounding area.

"Tuapeka covers the whole ward, including Lawrence. It doesn't need the `Lawrence' there, and that's a feeling backed up by talking to local people during the build-up to consultation."

Bryan Cadogan
Bryan Cadogan

The council also voted to support the remainder of the review's initial proposal, including minor boundary changes for Kaka Point (moving to Catlins ward), and between Bruce and Lawrence-Tuapeka wards.

Clutha Mayor Bryan Cadogan said he was pleased to see the "will of the people" expressed during both public consultation, and the ensuing debate among its elected representatives.

A one-month appeal/objection period opens today.

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