Police frustrated with rising blanket ban tally

Simon Paget.
Simon Paget.
It has been a relatively quiet five months in Cromwell's pubs since police and publicans introduced a blanket ban initiative, under which someone can be trespassed from all licensed premises if they cause problems at one.

That changed during the past week as four more people were added to the list, bringing the total to 10 and leading to police frustration.

''It's frustrating that we're having to deal with this again ... We thought people had taken on board the message of drinking responsibly and we thought the word was well and truly out about Cromwell's initiative,'' Cromwell police head Sergeant Simon Paget said.

On Friday, July 12, a 27-year-old man was refused entry at an establishment because of his level of intoxication. He allegedly became abusive and took a swing at the manager.

The same night, a 22-year-old man allegedly punched another patron at a hotel and could face assault charges.

Also on that night, a 32-year-old was asked to leave a bar because of his level of intoxication and allegedly head-butted a female staff member. Assault charges have been laid.

The following night, a 29-year-old man was asked to leave a premises because of his level of intoxication. He allegedly assaulted two bar staff and may also face assault charges.

All four men are Cromwell residents. The ban means they can no longer go to any of the nine participating licensed establishments there.

''These people are goingto miss out on going outand socialising with friends,'' Sgt Paget said.

The blanket ban can last for up to two years.

Central Otago sub area commander Senior Sergeant Ian Kerrisk said a similar initiative was being considered for Alexandra.

While Alexandra publicans supported the idea, it was a work in progress.

''It's not something that can be done overnight,'' Snr Sgt Kerrisk said.


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