Otago Goldfields Cavalcade off to great start

The 20th Otago Goldfields Cavalcade is off to a great start, co-ordinator Terry Davis says.

He said six horse trails started on Saturday; a walking trail and a horse trail began yesterday; and three more, all walking, would start today.

Despite a cold, wet weekend, it was a warm day in Central Otago yesterday and Mr Davis said he hoped the good weather would continue for the rest of the week and for the grand finale on Saturday - a family fun day with a Top Team competition and children's entertainment followed by a hoedown.

The 13 trails, six riding trails, two wagon trails, four walking trails and one 4WD trail, all start in different areas but all end in Cromwell.

The 4WD trail is a first this year and provides three different day trips into Bendigo, Nevis and Bannockburn.

The trails retrace the steps the early gold miners took in search of their bounty.

About 510 people were taking part in this year's event, "which shows the cavalcade is very much alive and growing", Mr Davis said.

However, there were a few last-minute cancellations, including Robert and Toni Fairhurst, of Dunedin, who have been riding the wagon trails since the cavalcade began. During a last-minute training ride, Mr Fairhurst was tipped from his wagon, sustaining injuries, and was in hospital in a cast from his waist up, Mr Davis said.

"It really is a tragedy - he would be not nearly as upset about the broken bones as he would about missing the cavalcade."


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