ORC moves to protect Nevis River ecosystems

The Otago Regional Council has begun the process of setting minimum flows to protect the aquatic ecosystems, and their natural character, of the Nevis River, in Central Otago.

It is the 10th river in Otago to be assessed as part of a Regional Plan: Water 2004 requirement for the setting of minimum flows.

In a report to a recent environmental science committee, resource scientist Eric Brown said socioeconomic and other local factors would also need to be taken into consideration when setting minimum flows.

The Nevis was a regionally significant trout fishery known for its trophy fish and provided an important spawning ground for trout.

It was also considered to be an iconic river by kayakers and was home to a unique population of native Gollum galaxias.

The report proposed minimum flows of 5.8cumecs at Wentworth Station from January to August and 7.7cumecs from September to December.

Having two levels of flow would provide for both native fish and waterfowl within the Nevis catchment, he said.

The report would now go to the policy committee for consideration.

It would then go out for public consultation, with a view to water plan change hearings being held in 2010-11.


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