No decision on use of fund

Earnscleugh residents are not rushing to spend the $62,500 amenity fund provided by L and M Mining.

A meeting was held by the Vincent Community Board at Earnscleugh on Wednesday night to discuss the distribution of the fund, which was provided by the mining company as a condition of it obtaining resource consent for its gold-mining operation in the district.

Board chairwoman Clair Higginson said the 14 people attending decided not to "rush in and spend the money straight away".

The meeting attracted a cross-section of the local community, but there was a need for some younger residents to be involved in the decision-making, she said.

"They are the future of the district, so they should be in the loop."

The Earnscleugh Hall committee was holding its annual meeting later this month and there was a suggestion the committee become an amenity committee instead of confining its activities to the hall facility, Ms Higginson said.

"They will talk through that idea at their annual meeting and consider developing into an amenity committee to look at the wider amenities of the district."


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