No consent yet sought for village

The Central Otago District Council has not yet received a resource consent application for the new $35 million Cromwell retirement village.

The proposed $35 million Cromwell retirement village, announced on Friday, would have about 94 stand-alone homes ranging from $295,000 to $450,000 and would be built on 7ha of land located between Kawarau Gorge Rd and Iles St over a seven-year period.

Eventually, a separate care and hospital facility would be built on an adjoining site, to service the village and Cromwell area.

Investors were still being sought for the development.

The area slated for development is designated business resource, with some land zoned as residential.

Council planning and environment manager Louise van der Voort said any proposal to develop a retirement village on residential land would require resource consent, but she could not say what the resource consent requirements were for land in a business zone without seeing a proposal.

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