New owners back prosecution

The new owners of a Bannockburn property where historic gold tailings were removed say they fully support the action of the New Zealand Historic Places Trust in prosecuting the people involved.

The trust prosecuted the property's former owners, Conal Royce Wattam and Ronald Stuart Wattam, for damaging or modifying an archaeological site without authority.

The Wattams were convicted and discharged in the Alexandra District Court on Thursday and ordered to make substantial donations to the NZHPT.

Three truckloads of historic gold tailings were removed on January 20, the day Kerry and Doug Herbert, of South Otago, took possession of the property.

Mrs Herbert said yesterday the sale of the property was unconditional in November, but possession had been delayed until January.

She and her husband had arrived at the property as a fourth truckload of tailings was being taken and stopped that from being done.

They had not informed the NZHPT about the activity but supported the action taken by the trust.

"It's common knowledge around here that these things [the tailings] have a historical value," she said.

"The trust does a great job on limited funds. People probably don't realise the value of the organisation until something like this happens."

Mrs Herbert said after her involvement with them, she was happy to "sing the praises" of the NZHPT.

After the court case was heard, Conal Wattam said he believed he and his father had been "made an example of".

Historic sites should be listed in the Central Otago district plan, he said.


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