Neighbour opposes colony cage shed

The neighbour of a Roxburgh poultry farm says its plans to expand will bring more flies and bad smells.

Stuart and Karen McKerchar, of Central Gold Eggs Ltd, applied for resource consent to build a 1056 sq m shed on their 1.8ha farm on Roxburgh East Rd.

In their application, they said it would have the "colony'' system cages that will be required under law by 2022.

The pair have 17,000 caged and free-range hens on two properties in the Teviot Valley.

The shed would be stocked with about 8000 more hens.

All affected neighbours approved of the plan except for Carl Feinerman, whose property lies east of the site, and who opposed it in a written submission.

He said the visual effect of the shed would be "quite substantial'' due to its large size and prominent position.

The increase in chicken numbers would likely compound the already unpleasant smells and increase the large number of small flies, he said.

The site already created adverse effects including dust and noise that reached beyond its boundaries, he said.

"While I applaud the applicant on his decision to modernise his operation, I believe that this is the wrong location for an operation of the proposed size and would suggest it should be declined.''

The McKerchars said in their application the shed would have "state-of-the-art'' technology and would be fully insulated to suppress noise, and well ventilated.

Manure would be dried in driers before being bagged as fertiliser, reducing stench and decreasing the number of flies, they said.

Its 3.5m-high walls would be painted mist green to blend with surroundings.

It would be built between an existing shed and the road and would be no closer than 27.5m from the road boundary and 10m from neighbouring properties.

The extra 8000 hens would help to fill orders, which exceeded their present output, they said.

The plans will be discussed at a Central Otago District Council hearings panel meeting in Alexandra next Tuesday.

The company employs 12 people.

In a report, council planning consultant David Whitney said the plan did not conflict with the objectives or policies of the district plan and recommended it be granted with 15 conditions.

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